So many parents contact me stating that they have been told words to the effect of 'you can't pick and choose what goes into an EHCP'.
Whilst we all understand this, it seems that many local authority's seem to think however that it is ok for staff who have never met or assessed a child, and indeed staff who are not qualified to do so, are somehow qualified to make these decisions. Staff who are not CAMHS or other medical professionals, Educational nor Clinical Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists nor Occupational Therapists, take it upon themselves to choose what content goes into an EHCP and what is removed.
Where is the logic in this?
In my opinion, far greater training is needed around SEN and general education law for all staff who work with or for children in any capacity. There also needs to be quick and easily accessible routes of accountability; not only do these things happen, but they seem to happen repeatedly.
Stay strong and stick to what is right. Chris.