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Ready for School



Tribunal Appeals

Tribunal Representation


SEN Achieve offers a range of support services for parents across the country.

Details of these services are provided below.

In addition I provide 30 minutes of free advice to parents.

I also speak free of charge at parent groups and at charitable events.

EHC Needs Assessment/ EHCP Application Writing

Drawing upon my vast experience I offer an established EHC Needs Assessment Request/ EHCP application service to parents. This includes discussing your child's needs, writing an extended application document, and follow-up support.

Mediation Support

SEN Achieve also offers a mediation support service designed to help resolve your case without the need to submit a tribunal appeal.

EHCP Draft Review Service

The SEN Achieve Draft EHCP Review Service involves discussing your child's needs, writing a Draft Review Report featuring my credentials, as well as follow-up support. 

Tribunal Appeal Writing

Over 90% of SEN Achieve tribunal appeal applications result in the local authority conceding before the tribunal hearing. Since the end of January (2024) 46 local authorities (100%) have conceded/ backed down in response to the original tribunal appeals which I have written. This has saved the parents from the stress and potential expense of an actual tribunal hearing.

EHCP Annual Review Support

The EHCP Annual Review Support Service includes two different packages or levels of support, both involving discussing your child's needs, reading the assessment reports around your child and support at the meeting itself.

Tribunal Representation

If matters do proceed to a tribunal hearing, SEN Achieve offers a representation service to parents. This involves consultations with you, full preparation and representation on the day of the hearing and explaining the Order to you once received. 

Contact SEN Achieve

Feel free to call or email:

07985 227153

Tel. 123-456-7890

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